The Adventure Begins

It’s been too long since I’ve written, and the words feel jammed inside somewhere. As if I need to get a few cleared out, and thoughts might flow a little better.

Changes. Changes full of beauty and a deeper love than I could imagine.  Terrifying changes. Changes that drive me to Jesus in utter dependency and a fresh realization that there is nowhere safer to be than in Him.

Since my last post here, a lot has happened.

The Adventure Begins

A few weeks ago, I woke up in the morning and headed into what seemed would be a normal day. A bit later, I got a terse text that said “Come to the chapel right now.” I’m sure tires were screeching as I careened through the neighborhood. An hour later I was purchasing airplane tickets for my Dad and two other men to go international on a mission to protect the innocent. 7 hours later they were headed to the airport and embarking on a journey which no one really knew what it might involve. I prayed I would see my Dad alive again.

During the week he was gone, we prayed, we stood strong, we excitedly waited for any and every little update we could find.

And, unrelated to anything else going on, we received an email from someone about a little girl here in the States who needed someone to care for her.

A week after he left, I hugged Dad tightly in our living room, so thankful for the Lord’s protection.

The next day, I got another brief text: “It looks like she’s going to be ours.” So fast. What was happening? I wasn’t sure, but I already loved this little girl whose name I still didn’t know, and I was ready to do whatever God asked.

Two and a half days later, I looked for the first time at the beautiful girl who was to be my little sister.

As I looked in her eyes, tears filled mine and I had to turn away before they spilled over. Desperation. Hope. Terror. Emptiness. Trauma. Excitement. Desperate hope. I saw her story written on her face as she turned away from all she had ever known and got into our car. She pressed her face against the window and waved one last time as we drove away before turning forward and allowing a deep sob to escape her chest. There was no stopping the tears in each of our eyes and hearts.

So young, so vulnerable. And ours.

I helped her make cookies this morning. I posed for her as she drew a picture of me. I watched the Sound of Music with her. I sat with my arms around her, her sweet head in my lap. I went shopping with her. I laid on my bed and ate pretzels with her. I whispered “I love you” over and over. I hugged her goodnight. I promised to be right there with her first thing in the morning. I watched my parents fall in love with their new daughter. Tears spilled over again as she excitedly yelled “Daddy!” as soon as he walked back in the front door from the gym.

For nearly 25 years I have been the youngest child, and paradigms are shifting in our family.

This little one looks up to me like no one ever has before in my life. We love each other deeply, and every time she snuggles up to me and wraps her arms around my waist and doesn’t let go, my heart aches a little more. Ever since this little girl stepped into our lives just a short while ago, tears have either been running down my cheeks constantly or hiding just around the corner ready to show up without warning.  How can I already love her this much? How can I be a big sister to one so desperate for love and a rebuilding of trust? What do I do when I see the hurt well up and she closes down and acts in the only way she knows how based on the things she has experienced in her young little life–experiences I can’t even imagine. How can I show her the love of her Heavenly Father?

Jesus. HE is how. Jesus is Who I must turn to. His heart is the only one that can handle such love and such sorrow.

This past several weeks has been life-altering in ways I could never have fathomed when I got up that Friday morning. It has been difficult. It has been heart-breaking. It has been exhausting…

…and it has been filled with JOY. It has been filled with JESUS. I can’t deny the beauty in seeing my own weakness and His utter strength. I’m enraptured.

Seeing the heart of God in my parents through these past few weeks has touched something in me that hasn’t ever really been touched on before. I can’t express how honored and humbled I am to be part of their lives and learning from them the way I have for my whole life–but especially the past few weeks. Their given-ness; their endless love; their pre-decided “YES!” to anything the Lord may ask of them; allowing the door of their life–physically and emotionally–to be flung open to the most vulnerable. Thank You, Jesus. You had a beautiful plan when you scripted the lives of my parents.

And the proof that You know what You’re doing? It’s inescapable. I see it so clearly in the way this little sister of mine came into our family.

It is with great joy and expectancy that I can say my life has changed and it will never be the same. Oh! the adventures the Lord takes us on!

15 thoughts on “The Adventure Begins

  1. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. This post brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. To see God’s heart lived out through His people, to see His love and care for the lost and the least in such a tangible way, to have the privilege of loving the fatherless . . . it leaves me speechless. Once again I’m lost in the wonder of His faithfulness and perfection. Thank you for so beautifully capturing His heart and the working of His mighty right arm.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing! It is so special to hear about what the Lord is doing in your life and in your parents lives. This is one of my favorite God stories! Looking forward to hearing more! Love you, Grace!

  3. rejoicing with you and your family. Please let your parents know that if they need any support we are here to pray and encourage. Mike and Gail Priest

  4. Ya know, if I was a little girl coming out of a traumatic experience… or even if I wasn’t… I think I would adore having you for a big sister. It sounds like, early as it is, you’ve really bonded in a beautiful way.

  5. What a precious journey…one I can understand very well, for we are walking it to! Isn’t it amazing how God works? How He stretches us, grows us, changes us, and fills us to overflowing? Love and prayers for all of you. I’m sooo happy for you and look forward to hearing more updates as you move forward together.

  6. What an absolutely beautiful story! And how special that YOU are the big sister of a little girl so hungry for love, because you will heap it on and love her like Jesus does! That is just so exciting! I am so challenged by the willingness of your family and the “Yes, we’ll take her!” so quickly! So so wonderful. I just can’t wait to hear more, and see pictures!

  7. Oh Grace, this is just beautiful…seeing the Lord work in your family…and bring such a blessing~ Praise Him! May the Lord knit her heart to His…soon…love you! I will seek to keep you all in prayer…and you know what, I agree about your mom and dad. ;)

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