Looking unto HIM and REJOICING

I just wanted to clarify about my last post…. (And spend some more time praising the Lord, because . . . how can I not? ;) )

Though my earthly body may be decaying (aren’t we all?), I am in Christ and being renewed day by day IN HIM. There is no worry or fear in my life–there cannot be, because that is not walking in the light. And where God is, there can be no darkness for He cannot dwell with darkness.

I am walking forward in full faith and the knowledge of Truth. I want to give no room to the enemy by placing any importance or headline space to that which is not true, pure, right, clean, praise-worthy, virtuous, of good report, and full of Jesus.

Rejoice, my friends, for we have hope. We have Light. We have Life…and that more abundantly! And again, I say, rejoice!


4 thoughts on “Looking unto HIM and REJOICING

  1. Tried to post this on the private post, but I guess you made it private before I finished. :D

    Beautiful testimony. I think it’s hard for healthy people to see how poignant pain is in our lives – that God can reach us most directly through suffering.
    We – I – don’t want to suffer, but seeing that there is a much bigger purpose in it through examples like you and others makes it bearable. Knowing God is gentle, kind and compassionate and does not give us more than we can handle…it’s merciful.
    I pray God continues to make Himself known in and through you, Grace. Blessings, Sarah

  2. Oh Grace,
    Thank you for fully glorifying God and proving His power and goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love you,
    Ruthann Marie Brown

  3. You are so precious Grace! :) I want to share with you something I read off a compilation of AW Tozer’s works done by a guy named James Snyder. He wrote the introduction page. Here it is:

    “Obviously, Dr. Tozer had a different view of this whole concept of faith than those who say that by faith we can create the life we want. Genuine faith, Tozer believed, leads to a disquietude that begins to wean us from this life and prepares us for the life to come. The work and ministry of the Holy Spirit within the life of the believer has this goal in mind all the time: to bring sons and daughters unto glory.”

    Your faith is pure, sincere and genuine. It is real. And if I can see that, then all the more our Beloved Saviour who loves us with an everlasting love. You were right Grace! I am jealous for my faith hasn’t been tested and proven as yours have… yet. When that day of great testing comes for me, it will be the sweetest joy! I can then truly say with deep affection for Christ, Rejoice and again I say rejoice!

    May you continue to draw from His deep deep well. And may we, like CT Studd be able to say, “I have searched into my life and do not know of anything else left that I can sacrifice to the Lord Jesus.” Our Jesus is so so so good. Colossians 3:3-4 :) Keep writing!

  4. Hello Grace. You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers. I’ve been listening to Nathan Johnson’s sermons on “Spiritual Perspective”, asking the Lord to make it reality in my life. What a blessing to hear you speaking from that “heavenly realm”!

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